Thursday, October 15, 2020

Depression Talk is Harder than showing penis in Naked Videos

Naked Trainer - Mental Health body language

I've just written on my blog about depression and self sex. It was the hardest thing to do. harder than showing myself masturbating (which took a lot for me to show)

So difficult that I thought perhaps I should talk about this - as I am always advocating that we should talk more about our erection problems - as it helps us overcome them. Yet when it comes to mental health I have until now been unable to go there. 

To even admit to my depressive periods has been so difficult and is probably as far as I can go at the moment, but perhaps this may be the start of being able to write more about mental health, it perhaps can be as taboo for some of us to admit to, as erection problems are.

How I plan to write about this is to see if I can use (fulfilling) self sex, masturbation - to help lift me out of my dark times. The details are here - there's no point in me repeating anything here, but what I do want to say here is that I hope this will also be the start of me being able to share my own struggles with you, not because I feel a need, but in my capacity as - a sense of duty if that doesn't sound sanctimonious -  I hope not as depression is so horrible that I genuinely would feel humbled if I thought this could help anyone, as we all know depression is serious.  

Many of you will not be interested in this - as the older I get the more I realise that not everyone gets depressed. Here I do not use the word lightly - we can all get down, but I am talking about depression.  For anyone reading this who also suffers with it - I need not explain any more, as you will totally understand the difference. If you don't really understand what I am talking about here - then that is absolutely brilliant, but if you do, I will aim to write more if it helps you. The only way I'll know though is from comments, but then perhaps people that suffer with depression may be less likely to comment? That, no one knows and maybe an over generalisation,  perhaps the amount of views this gets may be an indicator. Why am I talking about views and comments - because 

.... I am only going to do this if I think it can help someone out there. If not it is easier for me to carry on just as before without sharing or boring anyone.  I have said what what was on my mind and I'll leave you with the thought that:

 Isn't it mad that I can get my dick out - even climax for the world to see, (though this has taken some years to feel ok about) - but have so far been unable to talk about my depression?

© 2020


  1. Thanks for being so vulnerable. Depression is a damnable disease/condition, and it's so hard for men to talk about it. I (WE!) appreciate your honesty and frankness. Your being so open and honest will help us each in turn open up with others who can understand and offer help. It can't be easy for you to feel so literally "exposed" but we appreciate it and admire you for it. Love you, Coach. Keep being real and helping us be the best version of ourselves we can be. You've good a world-full of brothers out here on your side.
