Monday, August 24, 2020

Do Guys Need To Masturbate? | Is it 2nd place to sex with a partner?

Hopefully you never feel guilt when masturbating, or after because we are made to do this...

Male Masturbation is viewed by many as 2nd place to sex with a partner. We are encouraged to keep such things quiet and secret - yet most guys do it. Sometimes we can be conditioned by society to think we should not be masturbating. Let's break that down, as that would mean we should not:

  • be looking after our body,
  • lowering our stress 

or making the most of the male equipment we were born with that is capable of giving us 

  • dry orgasms
  • meaningful self love 
  • a deep contentment
  • sustained heightened erotic state of pleasure from anywhere between 5 minutes and 5 hours. (the 5 hours is perhaps a very special treat)
plus a focus: as a sexual pressure releases which: frees up our body and mind to be:

  • healthy
  • creative
  • content 
  • fulfilled 

....and therefore a better male within society. Society should be encouraging us to masturbate!

The unobscured preview clip is here in BroTime preview

What starts the need for masturbation..

Our Testicles.... 

...produce the Male Sex Hormone - testosterone and their you have it in a nutshell - those three words male sex hormone flooding throughout our body. How can this possibly be suppressed and why should it.  We are made this way - to populate the world with all the sperm we produce in our testicles. However on it's own sperm would not be as successful to ensure survival of the human species as it has to get to the right place, but when combined with testosterone -  it's powerful - as our world population demonstrates

If the human population were low in numbers and near extinction, then masturbation could perhaps be viewed as a waste. Yet we are perhaps on standby - at some point we may be needed to perform, but until that time we can keep all our equipment in good working - with masturbation,  knowing if needed we can perhaps help out.

Erotic Pleasure

As human sexual males we may well be on standby - however we cannot simply switch off these urges and nor should we. These urges are programmed into us and have evolved to give unrivalled satisfaction. We should embrace them - we are male sexual humans and should honour this - not be ashamed of it but embrace it (the essence of BroTime). Masturbation is advocated by medical establishment to cleanse our reproductive system, lower cancer risk and reduce stress.  If we masturbate to our full extent - exploring our sexual mind and body - we get unrivalled pleasure from such a simple and I would argue pure act. To not appreciate this and enjoy it would be like.- as described in the video....

The unobscured preview clip is here in BroTime preview

It is a shame we are not allowed to talk openly about our times we have more openly, (BroTime starts to provide that place). or indeed this blog perhaps can - feel free to comment below. 

It would be a waste not to  use the powerful instruments we have, and what is the point of deprivation. If we don't use it we lose it - so let's get to it - give your dick a great workout and be proud to do it and enjoy every flutter, sensation or explosion from within your body and mind. 

Once we have conditioned our mind to knowing that we deserve this for the above reasons, and many more, we need feel no guilt and enjoy that post ejaculation feeling to its full extent - clearing the guilt out makes room for pleasure and contentment. 

Evolution has given us great pleasure from a reproduction act – to not use this pleasure is such a waste – it is so environmentally friendly, good for us and good for society. If we have progressed at all as a society – surely it should be to adopt masturbation as a great thing.

© 2020

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